BioPBS is a revolutionary in its two-fold bio properties. Being essentially bio-based, BioPBS excels in biodegradability and compostability, providing drop-in solution to achieve better sustainability goal.
Environmentally friendly, food contact approved, good printability and heat resistant while retaining the same material quality and processability as conventional materials. BioPBS improves the quality of your product while causing no harm to the environment. where not only compostable but BioPBS coated paper is also recyclable or repulpable. This make BioPBS a sustainable material solution supporting circular economy to the world.
Biodegradable and Renewable Material
Our BioPBS is a bio-based material with cradle-to-cradle biopolymer ingredient that will merge your product into the natural cycle through biomimetic approach. With BioPBS, your product is conceived from nature and will naturally go back to nature at the end of its product life cycle.