> Paper Coating

BioPBS in
Paper Coating

BioPBS in Paper Coating

BioPBS in Paper Coating

By simply lining paper with BioPBS, instead of other types of non-biodegradable plastics, will enable them to be compostable either in industrial compost or home compost. BioPBS coated paper is suitable with hot and cold for food and beverages. You can safely enjoy your favorite menu while at the same time, saving the world from plastic waste.


BioPBS Benefits


Good sealability


Good Adhesion to Paper


Heat Stability


Food contact certified


Compostable & Renewable


Repulpable / recyclable


Food contact certified


Compostable & Renewable


Repulpable / recyclable

Versatile solution for waste management both compostable & recyclable

"Buried in soil at ambient condition in Thailand."

Sugar Pouch


Bamboo Paper Straw


Paper Tray


Industrial Compostable
Grade: FZ79AC

BioPBS for paper coating grades (FZ79AC) are certified by TÜV Austria and BPI on industrial compostability, consequently, packaging with BioPBS lining on is also considered as organic recycling which can dispose along with organic waste and turn into valuable compost at the end.


  • Drop in solution by replacing conventional plastic (LDPE) in existing machine
  • Good processability
  • Good adhesion to paper substrate
  • Excellent heat seal strength at lower heat seal temperature and lower coating weight compared to other bioplastic
  • Excellent printability without surface pre-treatment
  • Good oil & grease resistance
  • High heat resistance up to 100°C 
  • Food contact safe as listed in U.S.FCN, JCII and comply with EU10/2011 and China GB
  • OK compost INDUSTRIAL certified by TÜV Austria in European Union and BPI in North America 
  • Renewable content certified by DIN CERTCO, JBPA and USDA
  • Paper recyclable & repulpable, certified by Western Michigan University and PTS (Papierteschniche Stiftung)

Home Compost
Grade: FX83AC & FX85AC

BioPBS FX83AC and FX85AC are the developing grades aimed for home compostable certified products. In an effort to provide an alternative sustainable solution for the market, we are striving to make an available and proven option in the coming future.



  • Drop in solution by replacing conventional plastic (LDPE) in existing machine
  • Good processability
  • Good adhesion to paper substrate
  • Excellent heat seal strength at lower heat seal temperature and lower coating weight compared to other bioplastic
  • Excellent printability without pre-treatment
  • High heat resistance up to 100°C for FX83AC
  • Withstand low temperature as low as -40°C for FX85AC  
  • Food contact safe as listed in JCII and comply with U.S.FCN and EU10/2011